Nurture Works Foundation Inc is excited to announce that YouthCARE has taken over the running of BUZ school programs from
1 July 2024. Please direct all program related enquiries and school orders
to their Perth office
ph 9376 5000,
Thank you
BUZ Feel Safe Feel Right Program (Year 1 to 3)
The Focus of the BUZ Feel Safe Feel Right Program is to help children
in their formative years to develop protective behaviours skills.
Especially enabling students to become more aware of what they think or feel is ‘not safe’ in order to help them create a safe environment, as well as empower them with options when confronted with an unsafe situation or when they feel something is not safe.
The BUZ Feel Safe Feel Right Program works best for a normal class group in a normal classroom setting. Th program is designed to be conducted over 3 hours on the same day. If you wish, you may extend the time for
each session. Each student will receive and make a craft model ladybug with the strategies that they will learn in the program
BUZ Feel Safe Feel Right - Program Outcomes
Provide the students with the skills to:
• Create a safe environment for themselves
• Become more aware of what they think or feel
is ‘not safe’ in order to help them create a safe environment.
• Understand and trust their feelings and act on those feelings.
• Be empowered with options when they feel unsafe of not right, to keep themselves safe.
• Know who to trust, how to get help when they need it and when to tell someone that something is not safe or not right.
• Know that “nothing is so terrible that you can’t tell someone” and “one thing worries don’t like is being talked about, it makes them go away.”
Children have varying degrees of dependence on adults for their safety. The program therefore meets a child where they are at and builds on their knowledge base of unsafe situations and how to handle them.
• recognise the need to be protected by adults when they are very young but that as they get older they can protect ourselves.
• realise they have feelings that alert them when they face a situation that may not be safe.
• realise their feelings are different in a safe/unsafe situation.
• identify situations in which they do not feel safe or feel right.
• recognise that when they are feeling unsafe/not right their body has warning feelings.
• learn to trust their feelings in unsafe situations.
• become aware of different situations and how safe/unsafe they are.
• able to represent the safety of situations using the traffic light colours.
• recognise which situations are “red lights” or “red ladybugs” and dangerous hence why buggy stops and turns around from them.
• recognise that they have the power to take action and do something when they are feeling unsafe or not right.
• learn and practice the BUZ BUG 6 strategies to stay safe.
• recognise that when they are in unsafe situations there are important things that they can do to protect themselves.
• able to say, “Stop it! I don’t like it!” assertively.
• recognise the strategies the girl in the story used to protect herself.
• able to expand their resources for keeping themselves safe.
• think about their ‘go to’ people when they are not feeling safe.
• make a craft buggy and revise the 6 BUZ BUG safety strategies.
• recognise there are good and bad secrets and that you should always tell someone if you have been told a ‘bad’ secret.
• identify the people in their lives that they can turn to if they feel unsafe. Their “go to” people.
• “feel” and understand situations through role play activities.
• act out protective strategies.
• practice skills learned in previous parts of the program. Thinking skills, practicing strategies etc.