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Life Skills, Social Skills, Relationships, Pastoral Care, Self Esteem, Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, Self Regulation,

Conflict Resolution, Bully-proofing, Restorative Practice, Protective Behaviours, Making a Build Up Zone, Self Mastery.


Nurture Works Foundation is an innovative and motivated organisation dedicated to preventing children from experiencing the harmful effects

of social and emotional abuse, building the social and emotional wellbeing of children in our schools and helping schools become

friendlier and more cooperative environments.
We offer programs and initiatives in schools as well as a tremendous range of resources and professional learning for staff and parent workshops

Become a BUZ School


We have a number of options for schools from a whole school approach to schools that just want to dabble in a bit of BUZology.

Contact us to find out how  you can become a

BUZ School .


BUZ School Programs


We offer a suite of 7 programs than can be run by trained facilitators in your school or our own BUZ staff can run the programs in your school. 4 general class level program and 3 special programs


BUZ Training and PD


We specialise in a variety of training based on the 5 Nutrients for Social and Emotional Well being. A selection of PD from 1.5 hour sessions to full and two day training. We also offer workshops for parents


BUZ Resources for Schools


BUZ has a broad range of practical, colourful and  user friendly resources for class teachers and school pastoral care staff.




To augment the wonderful and innovative work of Nurture Works Foundation and the BUZ School Programs.


To contribute to and compliment the innovative work of Nurture Works and advance the growing legacy of this

motivated organisation's vision of 'Powering Hope in Children' through the BUZ (Build Up Zone) initiatives.

To advocate for and promote BUZ life Skills programs for schools for the purpose of enriching their contribution for building the social and emotional wellbeing of children in our schools and helping schools become friendlier and more cooperative environments.


The ultimate goal of BUZ Prime is to gather and evidence best practice of BUZ Life skills programs for schools.


BUZ Prime Poject office - Clara Deans

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