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Nurture Works Foundation Inc is excited to announce that YouthCARE has taken over the running of BUZ school programs from
1 July 2024. Please direct all program related enquiries and school orders
to their Perth office
ph 9376 5000,
Thank you

How to talk to someone who is picking on you
1. SAY – Say how you feel
(Look them in the eye)
2. TELL – Them why you feel that way
(what they have done)
3. STOP – Tell them or ask them to stop
(be firm but friendly)
4. or ASK – them:
“Have I done anything to make you
treat me this way?”
5. SORRY – say sorry if you have been
mean to them
6. OK – “Cool”
if everything turns out OK.
If not, you could ...
7. GET HELP – its OK to get help from
someone you trust
Say, “I’ve asked you to stop and because you haven’t I’m going to get help!”
This is better than saying “I’m dobbing!”

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